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Chris Lightroom Presets 2907850 复古胶片预设

Chris Lightroom Presets 2907850 复古胶片预设

Chris Lightroom Presets 2907850 复古胶片预设12345678910

Chris Lightroom Presets 2907850
XMP, DNG | 799 Kb
Chris Lightroom Desktop and Mobile Presets & Photoshop Filters ACR

This set includes:

-3 Presets for Lightroom & Photoshop (.xmp files) -3 Preset for Mobile Lightroom (.dng file)

As a bonus you will receive our "Basic Tool Kit" with 64 Tool XMP Desktops' Presets to help you correct your white balance, contrast, saturation, noise, sharpness, brightness, etc.

They are for issues that were not fixable in camera. These can be stacked on top of your presets as a finisher to help achieve the perfect edit.

These presets looks best on outdoor photoshoots, portraits and creative images. Each preset has been designed by a professional photographer to look great with a wide variety of images.

This product come with installation instructions.
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格式:DNG | XMP


上传时间:2018-12-12 09:26

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